“[Prayer] is the link between God’s inexhaustible resources and people’s needs…God is the source of power, but we are the instrument He uses to link the two together.”― Charles Stanley We are going to look at that link in the lesson…
Second Step of Submitting to God: Honor God
Do we have the right mindset for submitting to God? As Christians, we should always go back to the basics to make sure our mindset is correct. We discussed last lesson that we need to recognize that God is Sovereign….
First Key of Submitting to God: God’s Sovereignity
The closer we get to Jesus Christ, the more we want to submit to His ways. When you admire and love someone, it’s only natural to want to please them. Its the same when you know Jesus Christ as your…
How to Face Obstacles With God
As humans, we think of obstacles as dark, menacing areas of our lives to muddle through until it’s over. Boy, are we relieved. The Lord’s view is different. He teaches how to face obstacles with God. Obstacles are not there…
A Powerful Journey in Ruth’s Quiet Faithfulness to God
Ever wonder how God can use a regular person like you? In God’s eyes, you are special and He has a plan for your life. This lesson is about such a person, a powerful journey in Ruth’s quiet faithfulness to…