“We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength” Charles Stanley This lesson is Jesus’ Invitation to the Weary“. Questions for discussion…
5 Questions of Hope to Encourage You in the Lord
Having hope without trust is like loss without hope. The missing component in moving from loss to hope is trust in Jesus Christ. So, if we don’t have trust, there is no hope. Therefore, loss is without hope. This lesson…
How to Be Refreshed By Trusting in the Lord
Feeling tired, unmotivated, without energy? The world around you is confusing, depressing and just makes you want to cry. Maybe its time for you to be refreshed by trusting in the Lord. The word “refresh or refreshing” according to International…
Trust God: Choose His Perfect Direction
Trust God: Choose His perfect direction. Seems simple. Why do we fight it? Human nature, it’s too easy. At least on the surface. The hard but necessary part is giving up our will for God’s will. That’s where the Holy…
5 Keys to Submit to God in All Your Ways
Most of us, as humans don’t like the word submit. We resent the idea of someone else in control of our lives. Submitting to God is not like that. We are going to look at 5 Keys to submit to…