So happy you have found us ……
Our goal is to encourage women who have been experiencing loss and seeking hope in their lives by God’s Word. We also have had a season of grief and want to share with you the peace that only God can give.
John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” NIV
3 Marys in Scripture: Their Powerful Role in God’s Plan
Mary, mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene had some things in common, a direct relationship with Jesus, each experienced miracles and all were devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Even though they had a lot in common, we…Read More
3 Remarkable Women of the Bible: What We Can Learn From Them
It’s hard to relate to women whose culture is so different from today. So how do we make a connection to bridge the time gap? By looking at their character. We can also relate to who they were, regular women…Read More
Overcoming Fear With Faith: How to Surrender Your Worries to God
Fear is something that grips our hearts at one time or the other. How wonderful it is to have faith in a God who can help us overcome it and replace it with peace. The Bible says: Hebrews 11:1 NIV…Read More
How to Transform Your Life by Renewing Your Mind
Transformation is talked about in many ways, but God’s transforming power is the best. I have seen people so far from the Lord do an about face when trusting Jesus Christ as Savior. This transformation continues through the renewing of…Read More
Abiding in Christ: 12 Key Verses
What does abiding in Christ mean? Let’s look at Charles Stanley’s definition. “Abiding in Christ involves remaining in a relationship with God, and is more than just saving faith.” He quotes 1 John 3:24 says, “The one who keeps His commandments…Read More
What to Do When Prayer Feels Like It’s Going Nowhere
You feel stuck in your prayers. What do you do? You go to the Lord, pray and feel like nothing happens. Thoughts begin to enter your head and heart. Why does God not answer? Where is He? I love the…Read More